Hidden vs Full Tang


Knives will come in two types of construction: Hidden Tang or Full Tang. Neither is superior to the other, however each has a different feel and at the end of the day, it can make or break a knife

Hidden tang knives are generally seen in Japanese knives. The construction begins by creating a slot, into the handle material where the knife extends, part way into the material and is set using epoxy and sometimes the inclusions of pins. The handle is then shaped based on the makers design. A distinct characteristic is that the handle material completely envelops the steel creating a clear separation in material aesthetic.

This causes the majority of the mass to be shifted forward due to the concentration of the placement of the steel. The balance comes when the handle is attached and the weight of the material creates the weight concentration at the ricasso (where the front of the handle meets the steel). Generally, hidden tang knives feel lighter and can still handle the toughest jobs. However, it's recommended that this type of construction isn't meant for very hard work (such as butchering) as it puts significant stress where the handle meets the steel

Full tang knives have the spine of the steel continue through the entirety of the handle, hence being visible. The handle material is then glued to the sides of the tang instead of fully encasing the tang. Typically these handles, though they are epoxied, will require pins that extend from one side to the other in order to strengthen the handle scales and prevent them from weakening and sliding off over a long period of time. This opens the door to aesthetic freedom by using a decorative distribution of pins

Even though one can remove some steel from the tang, to reduce overall weight, these can still be heavier than hidden tang knives and hence, is more suited to stressful kitchen tasks. Full tang knives and still achieve balance once the maker takes steps to reduce the weight and balances the knife with the handle material in mind

Whichever style of knife: comfort, balance and performance remain the focus to provide a quality product


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